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Apply for Housing and Rental Assistance


Thank you for your interest in our housing programs and properties. Our NEW online application is an easy, step-by-step way to get your name on our waiting lists. There is a downloadable/printable paper application option as well.

Online, we also have a new Applicant Portal that allows applicants to apply for multiple waiting lists and allows applicants the ability to update their contact and other information.

For more information on MHRA programs, applications, and eligibility, please see the MHRA Applicant Handbook.

If you need language assistance, please contact MHRA at 603-624-2100.
Si necesita ayuda con el idioma, comuníquese con MHRA al 603-624-2100.

Applicant Portal  

In the NEW Applicant Portal, you can easily apply for any MHRA waiting lists AND update your contact information. This system uses Two-Factor Identification to protect your information.

The Applicant Portal gives you easy access to:

  • Apply to a Waiting List Online
  • View/Update Your Existing Waiting List Applications
  • View/Update Your Contact Information
  • Contact MHRA Intake Staff about a Specific Waiting List Application
  • Upload Documents Securely for a Specific Waiting List Application

If you are a new applicant, you can register for, and access the Applicant Portal after you have submitted your application online. If you are an existing waiting list applicant, you will receive a letter from MHRA which will give you instructions for logging into your Applicant Portal. For more information on How to Register, click here Applicant Portal Registration Instructions

You can access your Applicant Portal with your login credentials here:  Applicant Portal



Online Application  (Link to Online Application)

In the NEW online application system, you must apply separately for each waiting list that you wish to be placed on.

When you complete your first waiting list application online:

  • You will receive a confirmation page immediately after completion, which contains your application Control Number and a registration code that can be used to create an account or to add to an existing account. Please print or take a screen shot of this page for your records.
  • The options on this screen are:
    • Complete/Update Account (RECOMMENDED OPTION). Then on the next screen, click Register Code to add this code/application to your waiting lists. This must be done each time you create a new Waiting List Application.
    • Register Later. Registration codes expire after 60 days.
  • Once you have applied for the first waiting list, go in and create an account to access that waiting list application and all others.

Within approximately a week, we will have your application in our system. You can check the estimated wait time for the housing programs by clicking on this link: Check Wait Time.

We will notify you by mail when your name is approaching the top of the list. Since our contact with waiting list applicants is only by mail, it is important to keep your address and contact information current and updated with us.

NOTE: If you already have submitted an online or paper application and are on a waiting list, DO NOT submit another application for that waiting list.

To Apply for Additional MHRA Waiting Lists

After applying for your first waiting list and receiving the confirmation page, create an account, and log into the Applicant Portal. In the Portal, scroll down and select Apply Online – Apply to additional waiting lists. The system:


  • Offers the option to Copy Application Info (from previously submitted application) or to Create Blank Application.
  • Will not allow you to create a new application duplicating previous waiting list/bedroom size applications.
  • Will offer to save any new Registration Codes to your account as the application is completed. All applications will appear in your account.

To Report Any Changes 

To update your contact information including any changes in mailing address, phone number, email address, family status, disability/elderly you now have two options:

1) You can log into the Applicant Portal to access and update that information if you have or create an account.

2) Report in writing by mailing to:

Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority
198 Hanover Street
Manchester, NH 03104-6125
Attn: Intake Department


Printable (PDF) Application)

You may also download and print the Application for Housing and Housing Assistance Form, fill it out completely, sign it, and mail or drop it off to us.

Mail to:

Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority
198 Hanover Street
Manchester, NH 03104-6125
Attn: Intake Department

If you applied using a paper application, you will receive a confirmation letter with the estimated wait time by mail once we have entered your information into the system You can check the estimated wait time for the housing programs by clicking on this link: Check Wait Time.



Waiting ListsC
Income LimitsC
Forms & DocumentsC

The agency does not offer any type of emergency rental assistance. * Estimated wait time varies greatly depending on the waiting list you are on. All applicants will be processed from the waitlist by date of application and preferences. Please refer to Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority Applicant Handbook.

Waiting Periods For Public Housing from Date of Application


Bedroom SizeWaiting Period as of January 17, 2025
12½ - 3 years
2Upon Availability
Accessible/Handicap UnitUpon Availability


Bedroom SizeWaiting Period
1Upon Availability
24½ - 5 years
33 - 3½ years
4Upon Availability
5Upon Availability

Applicants are required to keep MHRA updated about changes to address, phone number, income, or family size. To update your information, please provide in writing and mail your changes to the following address:

Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority

198 Hanover Street
Manchester, NH 03104-6125
Attn: Intake Department 

Number of Persons in Family80% AMI Income Limit
Effective 4/1/24
Number of Persons in Family80% AMI Income Limit
Effective 4/1/24

To Report Any Changes 

To update your contact information including any changes in mailing address, phone number, email address, family status, disability/elderly you now have two options:

1) You can log into the Applicant Portal to access and update that information if you have or create an account.

2) Report in writing by mailing to:

Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority
198 Hanover Street
Manchester, NH 03104-6125
Attn: Intake Department

Printable (PDF) Application)

You may also download and print the Application for Housing and Housing Assistance Form, fill it out completely, sign it, and mail or drop it off to us.

Mail to:

Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority
198 Hanover Street
Manchester, NH 03104-6125
Attn: Intake Department

If you applied using a paper application, you will receive a confirmation letter with the estimated wait time by mail once we have entered your information into the system You can check the estimated wait time for the housing programs by clicking on this link: Check Wait Time.