MHRA Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Program
For more information, please watch our Video:
Moving With Your Voucher
Families assisted under Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority ’s (MHRA) Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, may move from their current unit to another unit within MHRA’s jurisdiction, or to a unit outside MHRA’s jurisdiction under portability.
If a family wants to move to a new unit within MHRA Jurisdiction with continued assistance or move with a voucher from MHRA to another jurisdiction, you must notify your MHRA Leased Housing Specialist in writing. Your Leased Housing Specialist will determine if you are eligible to move.
- To be eligible, you must be a participant in good standing with your landlord and MHRA
- If you are in a repayment agreement, you must be current on your monthly payments or have paid the balance in full before you can move
- Do Not Vacate your Unit Until Approved!
If eligible to move you must give your landlord notice of your intent to vacate in accordance with your lease. You will be required to provide your current landlord with written Notice to Vacate your unit. MHRA will not process your transfer/port out request until we receive a copy of this notice.
MHRA will issue you a voucher (if it has not done so already) and send all relevant paperwork to the receiving PHA *the housing authority that you wish to port to).
MHRA’s jurisdiction includes the entire city of Manchester, and a 6-mile radius outside the city limits…including parts of Londonderry, Auburn, Hooksett, Allenstown, Goffstown, Bedford, Merrimack, Pembroke and Litchfield. Not all these areas are covered in full, so be sure that the property you choose is within an area that we cover. Please provide your MHRA Leased Housing Specialist with an address so we can determine if we can assist you with that unit.

Family’s Request to Move within MHRA Jurisdiction
If a family wants to move to a new unit with MHRA Jurisdiction with continued assistance, the family must notify MHRA and the owner in writing before moving from the old unit.
For families approved to move to a new unit within MHRA’s jurisdiction, MHRA will perform a change of unit certification. MHRA will provide the family with a transfer packet that will include the certification documents that must be promptly completed and returned, voucher, MHRA’S payment standards, procedures for requesting approval of a unit, the unit inspection process, overview of the leasing process and other required information.
HCV participants are responsible for selecting their rental units and providing their security deposits. MHRA does provide an available units list for participants
Contact Deb Butterworth at 603-624-2112 or email
Portability lets voucher holders move into a different housing authority’s jurisdiction. When you port your voucher, you have to follow the new housing authority’s rules and policies. These may be different than your previous housing authority’s rules and policies.
Porting Out
If you desire to port your voucher from MHRA to another jurisdiction, you must notify your MHRA Leased Housing Specialist in writing that you would like to port-out and to which PHA. Your Leased Housing Specialist will determine if you are eligible to move.
If eligible to move, you must complete the Request for Portability Move form and submit it to MHRA. If you are currently assisted, you must give your landlord notice of your intent to vacate in accordance with your lease. You will be required to provide your current landlord with a written Notice to Vacate your unit. MHRA will not process your port out request until we receive a copy of this notice.
MHRA will issue you a voucher (if it has not done so already) and send all relevant paperwork to the receiving PHA (the housing authority that you wish to port to).
Things to Keep in Mind when Porting Out
You must adhere to the rules and regulations of the receiving PHA which may differ from the initial voucher issued by MHRA. Some common differences you should be aware of are:
Voucher Size: The new receiving PHA may have different occupancy standards. In other words, MHRA may have issued you a three-bedroom voucher, but the receiving PHA may issue you a two-bedroom voucher.
Payment Standards: Payment standards may be different for other PHAs. Payment standards determine the amount of rent a PHA will pay on your behalf. The portion of the rent you will pay at the new PHA may be more than what you are paying at MHRA. Always verify this information when you move to a new Housing Authority.
Although the receiving PHA will extend your voucher an additional 30 days, try to manage your move so that you will have enough time to find a new unit within the new jurisdiction and submit a Request for Tenancy Approval, before your voucher expires.
If you are not leased in a unit when your voucher expires you may lose your housing assistance.
If you decide you do not want to lease a unit in that area, you must notify the receiving PHA to cancel your request. The PHA will confirm your cancellation and return your voucher to MHRA.
Keep in touch: MHRA recommends that you let your Leased Housing specialist know when you are successful in leasing up in the Receiving PHA’s jurisdiction.
Porting In
If you currently have a Housing Choice (Section 8) Voucher in another city or another state and you are planning to move to Manchester NH, here is what you need to know about bringing your rental subsidy with you, a process known as “porting” your voucher.
Until further notice, MHRA will administer (we are not absorbing at this time, only billing) port-in families with a regular Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) from other Public Housing Authorities (PHAs). Special purpose vouchers will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis from all PHAs
- MHRA Jurisdiction includes the entire city of Manchester, and a 6-mile radius outside the city limits. Some of those areas include Londonderry, Auburn, Hooksett, Allenstown, Goffstown, Bedford, Merrimack, Pembroke and Litchfield. Not all these areas are covered in full, if you have a question if a property is within our jurisdiction, please provide us with an address. Staff will be able to determine if we can assist you in that
We cannot begin your port in to our jurisdiction until we receive a packet of information called a Portability Packet from your current housing agency.
Please ask your housing agency to email, mail or fax the portability packet to our location:
Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority
198 Hanover Street
Manchester NH 03104
Phone 603-624-2100
Fax 603-624-2113
If you decide you do not want to lease a unit in the MHRA Jurisdiction, you must notify your Leased Housing Specialist at MHRA in writing to cancel your request. MHRA will confirm your cancellation and return your voucher the initial PHA.
MHRA may consider exceptions to these policies for the following reasons: to protect the health or safety of a family member (e.g., lead-based paint hazards, domestic violence, witness protection programs), to accommodate a change in family circumstances, or to address an emergency situation over which a family has no control. In addition, MHRA will allow exceptions to these policies for purposes of reasonable accommodation of a family member who is a person with disabilities
Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Resources
Waiting Periods for Section 8/HCV from Date of Application
Group Name (All Bedroom Size) | Waiting Period as of April 12, 2024 |
Voucher (Section 8) | 3+ years |
Elderly/Disabled with Services | 3-12 months with approval |
SRO, FIT, VASH | 6 months |
Homeless | Upon Availability |
Mainstream | Upon Availability |
Non-Elderly/Disabled | Upon Availability |
Applicants are required to keep MHRA updated about changes to address, phone number, income, or family size. To update your information, please provide in writing and mail your changes to the following address:
Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority
198 Hanover Street
Manchester, NH 03104-6125
Attn: Intake Department
Number of Persons in Family | 30% AMI Income Limit Effective 4/1/24 | 50% AMI Income Limit Effective 4/1/24 | Number of Persons in Family | 30% AMI Income Limit Effective 4/1/24 | 50% AMI Income Limit Effective 4/1/24 |
1 | $24,050 | $40,050 | 6 | $41,960 | $66,400 |
2 | $27,450 | $45,800 | 7 | $47,340 | $70,950 |
3 | $30,900 | $51,500 | 8 | $52,720 | $75,550 |
4 | $34,300 | $57,200 | 9 | $58,100 | $80,100 |
5 | $37,050 | $61,800 | 10 | $63,480 | $84,700 |
Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher FAQ
What is the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Program?
The Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is one of the federal government’s largest programs for helping lower-income families obtain decent, safe, and sanitary housing. In the HCV Program, MHRA provides financial assistance (rental assistance) so you can afford an apartment owned by a private landlord, offering families freedom of choice in finding a suitable unit within the local area.
What are the different types of Voucher Programs?
Aside from separate funding appropriations and possibly serving a specific population, each of the voucher programs follow the same program requirements as standard vouchers (HCV). The programs are:
- Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) – Provided to an eligible individual/family to assist with rental payments. This voucher is issued to the individual or family. Known as tenant-based assistance.
- Project-Based Voucher (PBV) – PBVs are tied to a particular private or nonprofit income-restricted development, sometimes a development funded with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), which ensure new or existing tenants pay no more than 30% of their income. The voucher stays with the unit/project.
- Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) – Since 2008, HCV program funding has provided rental assistance under a supportive housing program for homeless veterans. The VASH program combines HCV rental assistance with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) at VA medical centers (VAMCs) and Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs), or through a designated service provider (DSP) as approved by the VA Secretary. Eligible families are homeless veterans and their families that agree to participate in VA case management and are referred to the VAMC’s partner, MHRA, for HCV assistance.
- Moderate Rehabilitation Program for Single Room Occupancy Dwellings (for Robinson Housing Residents) (SRO) – All applicants applying for the Moderate Rehabilitation Program will be placed on the active waiting list if accompanied by a referral from the current manager of the Robinson House. The referral will include documentation of homeless status as well as the referral agency’s approval for this program. This is a project-based voucher.
- Families in Transition (FIT) – A project-based voucher that requires a referral from Families in Transition.
- Mainstream Voucher (MS) – Mainstream vouchers assist non-elderly persons with disabilities and their families in the form of either project-based or tenant-based voucher assistance.
- Non-Elderly/Disabled (NED) – NED vouchers help non-elderly disabled families lease suitable, accessible, and affordable housing in the private market. Tenant-based assistance.
- Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) – A temporary tenant-based rental assistance program for individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking or recently homeless and at high risk of housing instability.
- Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) – FYI allows PHAs who partner with a Public Child Welfare Agency (PCWA) to request targeted HCVs to serve eligible youth with a history of child welfare involvement that are homeless or at risk of being homeless. Rental assistance and supportive services are provided to qualified youth for a period of between 36 and 60 months.
How much assistance will I get?
If MHRA determines that you are eligible for the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Program, it provides a document that says you are eligible to receive a certain amount of rental assistance each month. The amount of rental assistance that you receive depends upon your income and is intended to limit your portion of the rent payment to about 30% of your monthly income.
You may use your Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher assistance for your current apartment or move to another apartment. In either case, the landlord must be willing to sign a contract with MHRA and the apartment must meet a set of program standards (called the Housing Quality Standards) as well as local housing codes. The owner may check references to see if you are likely to be a responsible resident.
Before you receive rental assistance, MHRA staff will fully explain what you should look for in an apartment under the program.
What information will I have to provide? Am I eligible?
As with the Public Housing Program, all the information that you provide about your income will be carefully checked with employers, banks, and other sources of income before you are found to be eligible.
Former recipients of federal housing assistance who left a program owing back rent or other charges must pay the balance owed before being considered for the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Program.
A history of drug and/or alcohol related or violent criminal activity which might threaten the health, safety or peaceful existence of others may be grounds for disqualification from Section 8/HCV Program eligibility.
How do I apply?
To apply for the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher Program, there are two options for application. Complete our online application (link to application page), which is available in English and Spanish, or print an application (link to paper application), fill it out, sign it, and return it to MHRA at our main office. Instructions for both applications can be found on the Apply for Housing or Rental Assistance (link to Apply page) page.
Are vouchers used only to help cover rental costs?
No. Vouchers are sometimes used to help with mortgage payments, enabling low-income families to purchase homes.
Does MHRA offer any type of emergency rental assistance?
The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program for those individuals and/or families who are homeless and/or fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking. At this time, no other emergency rental assistance funds are offered.
MHRA Forms
- Applicant Handbook April 2024
- Notice to HCV & Mod Rehab Regarding Minimum Rent Payment
- PH and HCV Utility Allowance Schedule (Effective 04/01/24)
- Landlords Participating in HCV Program-listing of our 35 larger landlords
- Additional Adult Certification
- Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Option
- Declaration of Section 214 Status Must be Lawful within US
- Fair Market Rent Payment Standards (Effective 01/01/24) and Income Limits (Effective 04/01/24)
- Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home
- Proteja a su familia del plomo en su hogar
- Disclosure of Information on Lead Based Paint and lead Based Paint Hazards
- Things You Should Know
- Apartment Search and Managing Your Housing Choice Voucher
- Apartment Log
- Applicant Resident Certification
- Computer Matching for National Sex Offender Registry and Income Data
- How Portability Works
- Incoming Portability Information
- New Hampshire 211 Get Connected Get Answers by United Way
- New Hampshire 211 Promo Card
HUD Forms
- Form HUD 593 PIH A Good Place to Live!
- Form HUD 593 PIH ¡Un buen lugar para vivir!
- Form HUD 1686-1 Fair Housing Equal Opportunity for All
- Form HUD 1686-1 Vivienda Justa Igualdad de Oportunidades para Todosorm
- Form HUD 903.1 Housing Discrimination Complaint
- Form HUD 903.1 Queja de discriminación en la vivienda
- Form HUD 1141 Applying for Assistance
- Form HUD 1141 Solicitud de asistencia
- Form HUD 92006 Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing
- Form HUD 92006 Suplemento a la Solicitud de Vivienda con Asistencia Federal
- Form HUD 9886 Authorization for the Release of Information privacy Act Notice
- Form HUD 9886 Aviso sobre la Ley de autorización de privacidad para la divulgación de información
- Form HUD 52641 Housing Assistance Payment Contract
- Form HUD 52641 Contrato de Pago de Ayuda a la Vivienda
- Form HUD 52641A Tenancy Addendum for Housing Choice Voucher Program
- Form HUD 52641A Anexo de arrendamiento para el programa de vales de elección de vivienda
- Form HUD 5380 Notice of Occupancy Under the Violence Against Women Act
- Form HUD 5380 Aviso de ocupación en virtud de la Ley de violencia contra la mujer